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Into Nature

Take a walk + Make Your Own Sketchbooks
Based on my popular 'walking stories' on Instagram, we'll start with a walk, some sketchbook play, and two quick and easy ways to make portable sketchbooks

Collecting Compositions + Same Old, Made New
A slideshow sharing ten ways to 'collect' compositions for use in your art, and then we'll use those to experience a daily natural sight with fresh eyes

Drawing from Nature + Bringing the Outside In
Abstractifying a familiar landscape, and ways to bring nature into your home & life

Life Cycles + Embellishing Your Art
Treat yourself to some flowers in the name of art, practice your observation skills, and then we'll look at some ways to add that extra spark to your work

Adventures in Clay + Sticks and Stones
We'll play with clay and use sticks and stones to make some art

Art in the Landscape + Art 'with' the landscape
Time to get all Andy Goldsworthy and explore land art, plus an intro to pigment making

Field Trip + Eco Printing
It's time to visit that place you've been wanting to go to and never found the time! I'll be doing this myself {and bringing you along}, and then we'll look at eco printing

The Essence of Things + Nature Collage
Getting to the heart of nature in your art for simple impact through paint and collage

Planting Seeds, Nurturing Shoots 
A library of resources, from podcasts to videos, books to blogs, all carefully chosen to help you expand on your favourite aspects and spend more time immersing in nature and bringing it into your art.

+ 2 bonus lessons
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